
"'Abba, Father,' he said, 'everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will.'"

Mark 14:36

Jesus doesn't hold anything back when he's praying to his Father, and his example is a great one to follow. Sometimes, I spend too much time faking my way through my prayers. Instead of honestly telling God, "This sucks! Please change this!", I thank God for all the wonderful things in my life. Not that thanking God is a bad thing, but it is bad to be genuine with the world and false with God. God already knows what I want/need before I ask for it, but that shouldn't stop me from asking. Wes knows when I'm getting hungry, tired, want a backrub, etc., but I still tell him. How much more should I do the same with God?

The second half of this is that Jesus doesn't assume he is going to get what he asks. He says, "Yet not what I will, but what you will." When I am honest with God, God is completely honest in return. When I was younger, I used to love the song "Unanswered Prayers" by Garth Brooks. In it, he says that God sometimes leaves prayers unanswered. Now, I disagree with this song wholeheartedly. God never leaves us hanging. But sometimes, God says, "No. That's not my plan for you. I love you completely, and that's not what's best for you."

Wes and I have had a couple of issues we have been praying about over the past few weeks. As I prayed about these things today, I made sure that I prayed sincerely, but also left myself open to God's answer, no matter what that is. I encourage all of you to do the same!

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