
Who Jesus Is

As promised, this post is a little about who Jesus is. Obviously, some of these were very easy to find, while some required a little more digging. Based on time restraints (i.e. I don’t have a year), I’m focusing on the four Gospels, with a little of the epistles thrown in.

My goal was to find the qualities Jesus displayed that I want to put into practice in my own life.  Therefore, you won’t see “Jesus turned water into wine” or “Jesus walked on water” on this list. It may be true, but I’m not going to spend six weeks trying to pull that off. If I find myself with a little extra time on my hands, we’ll see. Anyway, here’s my (admittedly not comprehensive) list.


•    Loves
•    Gets angry
•    Is brave
•    Is wise
•    Is knowledgeable
•    Makes mistakes
•    Speaks to people where they are
•    Tells it like it is
•    Prays
•    Teaches
•    Shares
•    Is self-sacrificial
•    Loves the poor
•    Chooses to be with the “least of these”

Feel free to add some of your own, and I’ll do my best to incorporate those into my summer project. Thanks for your help and I’ll see you next time!


  1. Answers questions with questions?

    Speaks in parables?

  2. Hey Wesica!
    Not to intentionally start theological debate, but where did you find that Jesus "makes mistakes"? I guess that just sounds contrary to my understanding, so you could you clarify for me please. Thanks!

    To add to the list...shows love, mercy, and forgiveness, even under persecution. (I know I've been practicing that one!)

  3. Wes- I think I'll try those. Mostly on you.

    Allison- Thanks!

    Brent- It's just Jess on this one, I just used the same profile because it's a whole lot easier. The "makes mistakes" part is mostly about the Syrophoenician woman. Basically, if you read any gospels but John, you'll see where Jesus sometimes makes mistakes. At least if you read critically.
